4 Questions to Ask Before Signing up for Any Alcohol Recovery Programs

If you’re battling an alcohol addiction, then you must know how hard it is to try and make a positive, lasting change with no success. Usually, the motivation to do better comes from within oneself or the people around you who you care about. Other times, it’s simply the result of hitting rock bottom.

Luckily, there are many rehab facilities all across the U.S with trained and experienced staff to give people struggling with alcoholism the help and support they need to recover.

But with so many alcohol recovery programs available, how do you know which one is best suited to your needs?

To make the process a lot easier for you, here are four questions you need to ask before choosing an alcohol recovery program. 

1. Is Detoxification Involved in the Program?

Detoxification is a very important step of alcohol rehabilitation, or any drug for that matter. The withdrawal symptoms of quitting drugs cold turkey can be very dangerous depending on severity. As such, centers usually have medical professionals to help patients through the withdrawal phase by making the process as safe and comfortable as possible.

So try to find out if the rehab center provides detox as part of their treatment program.

2. Are the Treatment Plans Personalized to Each Patient’s Needs?

Even if the treatment approach can be the same, people are different with unique needs when it comes to treatment. People battling alcohol addiction come from different environments, psychological issues, and traumas that trigger their alcohol abuse.

Therefore, you want to make sure that the alcohol treatment program you sign up for is customized to your unique needs.

A professional alcohol treatment center like The Forge Recovery Center doesn’t put every patient in the same boat. Instead, the staff assess each patient and tailor a treatment plan to provide what they need to recover.

3. How Long Will the Program Run For?

Another factor you have to consider is the duration of the program. How long the program lasts can make a big difference in the success of the treatment. After all, nothing can make the success of the treatment more difficult to achieve than the patient leaving before they are ready to integrate back into society.

Alcohol rehabilitation usually lasts between 30 to 60 days, or even 90 days, depending on the level of dependence. However, note that your treatment needs will ultimately dictate how long you spend in treatment. 

4. Is Mental Health Support Included in the Program?

Most times, people struggling with alcoholism have co-occurring mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. These mental health issues often trigger alcohol use and even vice versa.

This makes it very important to have all mental health conditions treated simultaneously to avoid a possible relapse.

It Helps to Be Prepared

The drug rehabilitation center you choose will make a big difference in your life. It can either help you make a positive change in your life or result in relapse. For this reason, it is very important to ask questions about the alcohol recovery programs from every center on your shortlist.