Search Engine Optimization Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost?

Did you know that people in the United States spend an average of more than 10 hours a day looking at a screen? 

People are always scrolling for the latest content and make many of their purchasing decisions based on the info they see. 

If you want to improve your business sales, you should consider investing in SEO marketing services. 

Continue reading to discover what to expect for search engine optimization pricing when you hire a company! 

If You Pay Per Hour

One of the most common ways businesses pay for SEO services is by the hour, instead of as packages. 

Search engine optimization pricing fluctuates between companies, especially based on the services you get. Paying by the hour can be more beneficial for some than others.

Depending on the company, you can expect to pay up to $150 an hour for excellent services from agencies. If you select SEO consultants and freelancers, however, you can save a bit of money. These positions and companies typically cost less than $50 an hour. 

Paying by the hour is best for companies that have a quick project. If you need help every couple of months, updating your website, for example, you can pay by the hour so you aren’t overspending. 

Long-term projects aren’t the best for hourly payments unless you are hiring an internal SEO team. 

Paying by the Month 

If you don’t want to worry about weekly payments and want more for your investment, monthly costs are best. 

Once you find an SEO service provider you want to work with, discuss monthly rates. If you get basic services you can expect to pay around $1,000 or less. Some companies pay closer to $2,000 per month, however, if they are getting more content. 

SEO fees can get overwhelming if you are frequently getting charged. Monthly payments are perfect because you can easily track them in your business accounts and they get condensed into a lump payment. 

Low-Level Packages

Silver or low-level packages are often an option for business owners to try.

This is a great package if you are just starting to learn about SEO and don’t have a large budget to play with initially. You can expect to pay about $2,500 a month on the lower packages but they come with many benefits.

Optimized keyphrases, content creation, and data tracking are included in most basic packages. Consider the size of your company and how much marketing you want to do to determine if this package will offer enough help. 

Mid-Level Packages

If you want more help than a silver package can offer, you can look into the mid-level packages.

These can also be called gold packages, but keep in mind they are going to cost more. This package will cost your business about $5,000 a month, but you get much more content when compared to other options. Not only do you get hundreds of optimized keywords to make your site more relevant, but you also get custom dashboards and CRO assets. 

This is the most common way businesses pay for SEO services since it includes all of the benefits at an affordable cost. You won’t have to worry about learning SEO trends and data with the help of a strong team. 

Upper-Level Packages 

Diamond or upper-level packages tend to be the most expensive, but are ideal for certain businesses.

If you have a large marketing budget and don’t want to invest in hiring a digital marketing team, this package can end up saving you money. Although you will likely pay around $8,000 a month, you’ll get more content and need less help from within.

It’s much more affordable to pay this higher monthly fee than to hire a team that’s dedicated to digital marketing. This plan is also ideal for large companies that want to frequently engage with their audience in a variety of ways.

Infographics & Visuals Included 

Requesting custom infographics and visuals will cost you more money, and not all packages include these services. 

Hiring a graphic designer might seem more affordable, however, not all graphic designers follow SEO trends. If you want the highest quality of content for your websites and social media, you should invest in someone that specializes in both. 

Visuals can make marketing attempts more effective, which is why businesses are willing to spend up to $1,500 a month on these services. The information and quantity of visuals will influence the overall price.

Keep in mind that most SEO packages include some form of visuals, such as images and videos. 

Mass Orders of Content

If you have or want to create a company blog for guests to interact with and learn from, you should order content.

When you hire a team to create SEO for onpage links, you develop a list of articles for viewers to read. It’s common for companies to change $10 to $30 per article. However, if you order more at one time, you can get them for as little as $5 or less. 

SEO tips often guide businesses to utilize help in every way they can. Saving a little by ordering all at once can prevent you from going into debt and keep you more prepared. 

Don’t Let Search Engine Optimization Pricing Hold You Back

Breaking down search engine optimization pricing can be difficult, but if you know your needs, it becomes much simpler. 

Whether you want to run a quick campaign or start establishing your company, you need to prepare for the SEO cost. Although it’s tempting to hold back and save money, it’s often a bigger reward to pay for content in larger orders or for an extended time. You can find a knowledgeable SEO service provider that will improve your company and increase sales.  

Don’t be afraid to discuss all of the service options with the companies you’re considering to find the best choice. 

If you want to discover more SEO tips and how to improve your business, check out our blog for the latest info!