The Most Important Factor Of Chess Improvement: Quality, Not Quantity

Chess is probably the most challenging board game of all time. Remembering the functions of 16 pieces and applying a movement strategy at the right time is not an easy task to comprehend. It takes patience and extreme analytical skills to maintain the highest control on the chessboard and keep the opponent on his toes.

One of the most prominent misconceptions amateur chess players carry as a burden is consuming the opponent’s pieces as fast as possible to gain control. Well! This is not how experts play a chess game. They believe in quality, not quantity, and showcase the same during a match. Do you want to know more about how online chess players make wise and quality moves? Keep on reading!

How are quality moves made? How do they matter in a chess game?

Chess has a learning curve. Most players hit a saturation or stability level where they cannot further grow their skills. It occurs when chess players focus on quantity, not quality, and repeat the same moves repeatedly to win a game. As it turns out, the mindset of the online chess player decides the growth of his skills. 

These skills grow when you play chess online and observe the moves to understand the motive of players. Tactful moves always have a hidden reason that gets revealed when the opponent is confused about which piece to move. This shows how quality moves matter the most. Quantity-based gameplay can give you an edge initially, but you will also have to face the same fate of losing pieces on the board.

You cannot expect the opponent sitting idle and watching you destroying his chess army. In this case, use such moves as a distraction for the opponent, but you have to be very nifty. Let us check how you can give quality your first preference while playing chess online.

Drive your chess zeal carefully

Do not spend more time thinking you can do better. You might be doing a lot of hard work to improve, but that should be well-channelized. It means that there is no need to overwork when you can see dedicating three or four hours a day to chess is giving good results.

If you think that doubling the time will deliver a higher improvement rate, you might be on the wrong side of the road. Your prime aim is to train effectively. Apart from your chess training, you have a lot of responsibilities to meet. Hence, allocate your time efficiently and keep everything aside when the chess training schedule arrives. Control your zeal to learn chess more carefully. Also, implement what you have learned to examine your growth and efficiency.

Start with small steps

 As mentioned earlier, quality training and practice matter the most. Spending more time without an aim will take you nowhere. Your skills will remain the same for the rest of your chess career. Hence, start with small steps and be satisfied. Bad days will reveal when you cannot win a game, but learning from mistakes in the lost matches will improve you.

Challenge yourself at an intellectual level and consider it as a good sign. Motivation is mandatory but do not get demotivated when you cannot perform on the very first day. Focus on a shorter period in the beginning and improve. Do not push yourself to frustration.

How to train effectively?

Watching a chess game played between two grandmasters will do no good if you are casual about it. This is just time pass where you watch two formidable players countering each other. You will need to develop a particular attitude to the learning sessions.

How can you develop a training session for online chess games on your own? Here is what you need to do.

  • Complete your work and detach yourself from the world
  • Watch a crucial match keeping a notebook handy
  • Focus on every move and think of the possibilities of the following moves
  • Figure out why the chess player moved a particular piece and what can be his next move
  • Compare your thoughts with the outcomes of the moves and the result of the game
  • Take notes in the meantime to remember what happened

Forget eating popcorn and being a couch potato while watching a chess game. This is not the attitude of a quality chess player. Work on your passion for getting the best outcomes.

No distractions at all

To engage your brain, you need to disconnect yourself from the world and keep your senses free. Your brain will utilize its fullest capacity in analyzing the moves of a chessboard. So don’t keep your smartphone closer and keep yourself away from constant notifications.

Avid chess players watch important matches alone. Then, they discuss the synopsis of games they watched with their peer chess players later. Remember, a fully focused hour can deliver more value than 3 hours of distracted training.

Learning quality moves, practicing, and implementing them

The more you watch and learn from suitable matches, the better moves you will imbibe in your training. These moves can build a robust strategy when you practice with peers while playing chess online.

These expert moves need to be judged and implemented at the right time using your experience. Therefore, keep the learning sessions concise and compelling and use these moves.

A good plan escalates your quality

Make a good plan and remain flexible. Focus on how the opponent is moving pieces on the board. Try to keep the central portion of the chessboard in your control. Follow the tips mentioned above to escalate your chess-playing skills and make excellent improvements every day. Dedicate time for chess considering your daily routine but don’t push yourself to give quality outcomes. Instead, keep notes, study moves, watch how grandmasters open and play, and make a huge difference. This is how you can improve in online chess and become a better player.