What to Look For in a Business Laptop

How often do you find yourself traveling for your company? If your answer is more than a few times a year, you’re going to need a good business laptop that will allow you to do your work on the go. 

The problem is choosing the right computer for the job. You want to get a good laptop that comes with a nice list of specs without emptying out your piggy bank. Bonus points if the computer is also comfortable to use. 

We can help you find a laptop that will fit the bill. Check out this guide to find the best business computer to suit the needs of your company.


The first thing you need to consider when you’re choosing a laptop for business is your budget. You can’t buy a top-of-the-line laptop with all the bells and whistles if you can’t afford it. 

When creating your budget, think about how much value the computer is going to bring to you. If the processes will increase your productivity and make it easier for you to get your job done, it might be worth it for you to spring for a nicer laptop. 

If you only need the computer to do basic spreadsheets and minor word processing, you don’t need to spend extra on a powerful CPU and amazing GPU. 

Operating System

Now that you have a good budget in mind, it’s time to choose your operating system. The main three are Windows, Mac, and Chrome. They all come with their fair share of pros and cons. 


First up on the list is Windows. It’s the most common operating system around.

Since it’s the most common OS, you’ll find a wide range of business laptops at different price points. You’re sure to spot something that will fit within your budget. 

If you want to be able to play games on your computer after a long day of working, the Windows operating system will allow you to do that. Most developers focus on making their games for Windows before any other operating system. 

If you have a problem with one of your computer’s programs, most IT companies are familiar with Windows computers. These laptops will also come with a bunch of amazing features that will help boost your productivity. 

Mac OS

The Mac OS is more user-friendly for laptop beginners. There are not as many choices, so it’s less likely that you’ll get overwhelmed while looking for the best laptops. 

They’re packed full of the most amazing hardware for the ultimate in productivity. Many business professionals choose them for doing complex graphic design work. 

The downside of Mac computers is the price. You will empty out your wallet to buy one. On the upside, it retains value. If you decide to get rid of the laptop at some point, you’ll be able to sell it for a lot. 


The last operating system that you have to choose from is Chrome. It’s an OS that was created by Google. If you’re on a tight budget for buying your business equipment, getting a Chromebook will be your best bet. 

The price point is pretty low, but that doesn’t mean that the computer is of poor quality. It can handle spreadsheets and some word processing. 

We’ll warn you that Chromebooks expect you to be on the internet at all times. It doesn’t have much to offer in terms of storage space, so you’ll need to make use of cloud technology. 

Look at the Specs 

The next thing that you need to look at is the computer’s specs. You’ve got to make sure that the processor is going to be fast enough to handle your business software. 

A good CPU is only one spec that you need to look at. You’re also going to want a lot of RAM and hard drive space, depending on what you need it to do. 


The computer’s CPU is the heart of the laptop. If it runs slow, it will be hard for you to get anything done on your computer. This being said, you don’t want to buy more processing power than you need. 

If you’re going to be doing complex photo manipulation work and video editing, go ahead and head to this site to opt for the Intel EVO. If you’re only going to be doing spreadsheets, you can step down a little to something a bit cheaper. An Intel Core i5 is a go-to for business professionals. 

Hard Drive

You’re going to be saving a lot of work on your business computer. Unless you’re planning to rely on an external hard drive or cloud technology, you’ll need storage space. 

You can choose between your standard hard drive for this purpose or an SSD. The hard drive is the cheapest option out of the two. It can hold a lot, but it’s not that fast. 

A computer with an SSD drive will be a little more expensive, but it can hold as much as a regular hard drive while running a lot faster. 


Working with a mouse is a lot easier than using a trackpad. This is especially true if you’re doing any kind of photo manipulation. The thing is, you can’t plug in your mouse if you don’t have any USB ports to do so. 

A mouse isn’t the only computer accessory that uses up a USB port. Many accessories require you to have a free one available.

Maybe you want to charge your phone while you work. You can’t do that without having a computer with plenty of connectivity to bring to the table. 


If the CPU is the heart of the computer, the RAM is the brain. It’s in charge of your laptop’s short-term memory. Without it, you’ll have a frustrating time getting any of your business software to work. 

When choosing RAM, stay away from any machine that offers less than 4GB. That’s the standard. You can go up to 8 if you can afford it, but if you’re only using word processing software, you won’t need it. 

If you’re doing any video editing or working with photos, we recommend opting for 16 GB. It will be a lot more trying on the wallet, but trust us when we say it will be more than worth it.  


Your computer’s graphics card is responsible for rendering images on your screen. There are two routes that you can go with this. You can pick up a laptop that comes with a separate chip or buy one that has a graphics card attached to the motherboard. The latter is the least expensive option. 

A GPU that’s attached to the motherboard can’t be upgraded or replaced. That’s not a huge deal unless you’re working with videos and photos. 


Your screen’s resolution is the measure of pixels that can exist on the screen at a given time. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a fancy 4K resolution. 

It’s not much better than 1080p, and all it does is serve to suck your battery life away. It’s not worth dumping your entire computer budget on this one feature alone. 

Battery Life

You’re going to need a computer that has a good amount of battery life if you like to work in different surroundings. You can never guarantee that you’re going to get the outlet seat at your favorite cafe. 

If you are to randomly lose power, a laptop with a good battery will allow you to continue working as long as what you’re doing doesn’t require internet access. 


Portability is sort of similar to battery life. If you’re going to be carrying your computer everywhere you go, you want to make sure that it’s light. If you plan to leave it in your office most of the time, you can go with something with a bit more heft. 

Look for a computer with a 15-inch screen. These models are usually lightweight and easily slip into a bag. If you go with a screen size much bigger than 15 inches, it will be too large to be portable. 


How rough are you on your computer? Do you let it slide around in your backseat while you’re on your way to work? Do you have the bad habit of spilling coffee on it? 

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you should spring for a computer that’s a bit more on the durable side. Alternatively, you can buy a hardshell case for it. 

Buy the Perfect Business Laptop for Your Needs 

No matter what kind of company you run, you’re going to need a good business laptop to help you get things done. Choosing a laptop with the best specs can be difficult. 

You’ll have a lot of terminologies thrown at you. We hope that reading this shopping guide has helped you do the research you need to choose the best laptop for you. For more computer buying advice, visit the Tech section of our blog.