Best Things on The Internet Right Now

Sometimes, wasting time on the internet is all our mind needs. Good thing there’s an abundance of content online. From random stuff to extremely nerdy hacks, you’ll find everything on the other side of a few taps on your keyboard. Don’t worry, this is a judgment-free zone. Doing some mindless web browsing after hectic telecommute/office hours is your right, and we won’t judge you on that.

All you need by your side is a trusted and reliable internet connection like offered by Spectrum gold package and hello, mindless browsing!

The Oatmeal

Comics are and will always be the best thing to browse and The Oatmeal could be your sanctuary. The Oatmeal is the brainchild of Matthew Inman. The website is packed with an endless plethora of random to sometimes meaningful comics. Honestly, we’ve read every Oatmeal comic over and over. And it never ceases to amuse us, every single time.


This one’s a Shark-tracker. Yes, you heard it right. This website may seem a bit too mindless, but hey, isn’t that what we’re doing right now? Marine Research Group is the brains behind this website and it lets you track Sharks as they swim through the seas. Sharks on this website have a name and you can even zoom in to see their live location. Probably the coolest thing on the internet, right?

A Soft Murmur

Pausing everything and listening to some white noise during a bustling day can help you regain your mental focus. A Soft Murmur is a customizable white-noise dashboard. You can download its mobile version on your Android or your iPhone. From thunder sounds to wind whirls, you’ll find everything here to help relax your mind.


Feeling a bit productive? Don’t worry, you can always do a course on Coursera. There are thousands of sources, online degrees and so much more on this website that you can easily become the smartest one on this planet.

The Onion

Satirical content during breaks? Yes, please! The Onion provides a ‘fun’ approach to your typical newspaper. You can find an abundance of hysterical articles over here. Just when your day seems like it could use a bit of dopamine-action, The Onion would provide you with the perfect amount of laugh.

Paper Toilet

Once again, ideal for mindless browsing, Paper Toilet even comes with a couple of interactive features. You know, to roll the paper up and down.


Who says mindless internet browsing can’t make you smart? If you have a knack for science stuff, then HowStuffWorks has the content for you. HowStuffWorks is all about how stuff around you actually works. Gosh! You’ll find everything over here. From knowing how your favorite Snickers bars are made to figuring out the dynamics of a fiber internet connection. HowStuffWorks will scratch your itch for knowing the secrets to everything out there.


Similar to The Onion, Cracked is another platform where you can find your daily humor fix. However, the only difference is that it focuses on pop-culture-related news rather than politics. If you have a thing to know what goes on in Hollywood, then Cracked can reel you in with some pretty good content – with a twist of course.

All Things Wrapped Up

The internet is a world on its own. The next time your work begins to seem a bit too overwhelming, all you need to do is open your browser and browse the aforementioned websites to unwind. As much as it seems like a time-waster, it’s not! You never know, some mindless browsing might end up making you rich or something.

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