5 FAQs New Patients Have About Outpatient Drug Rehab

If you know someone struggling with a substance abuse disorder who has admitted that addiction has taken control of their lives, you should be happy for them because acceptance is the first step to recovery. The next step will usually involve looking for a great rehab facility from where they can get professional help. 

While there are great rehab centers that help addicts make a permanent, positive change in their lives, some facilities, unfortunately, focus on making a profit rather than providing meaningful service to their clients.

You also have to consider that not all rehabs work the same way and have different treatment approaches depending on the drug involved. This makes it very important to prepare a list of questions that will help you determine the right rehab for you or a loved one.

Here’s a list of five common FAQs patients ask before enrolling in an outpatient drug rehab program, click here to learn more about outpatient drug rehab.

1. What Are the Therapies and Treatments Available at the Facility?

The therapies and treatment approach available at an outpatient drug facility may differ depending on the facility itself and its core values.

For instance, some facilities solely focus on the detoxification phase of rehabilitation, others do not provide it at all, whereas some facilities provide comprehensive rehab services. As such, you need to find out what’s on offer before making any commitments.

2. Is the Outpatient Drug Rehab Licensed and Accredited?

At its most basic level, any reputable outpatient rehab center should meet the state’s licensure requirements. This will give you some assurance that the facility provides industry-standard care to its patients.

Moreover, the center may also have been accredited through several agencies such as the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) or the Joint Commission On Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).

3.  How Much Will the Rehabilitation Cost?  

Although there’s no cost too high to compromise on sobriety, you need to find out if the cost of the rehab program falls within your budget. Some facilities can go into the tens of thousands and may not be affordable to you.

4. How Long Are the Rehab Programs?

Drug rehab programs vary in length, and you need to get an idea of how long the program will run. It’s always a good idea to try and find the duration of each stage of the rehabilitation process so you can plan accordingly.

5. Are the Treatments Personalized to Each Patient’s Unique Needs?

The treatment process at any high-quality drug rehab facility should start with a personal physio assessment. This process helps the staff at the rehab facility understand each patient’s unique treatment needs so they can develop a personalized treatment plan.

After all, people experience addiction in different ways and there’s no one-size-fits-all remedy.

The Bottom Line

Asking questions to try and find out information about a drug rehab program is very important. Choosing a rehab program for you or your loved one can seem overwhelming, but it is a process that needs thoughtful consideration.

The answers you get can help you find the right outpatient drug rehab that best suits your needs.